
- Another view of patagonia argentina -

Whales Argentina

Come and taste the vast Freedom of Atlantic Patagonia and climb aboard this Whale Watching Adventure. Tuning into nature makes for a truly exhilirating travel experience.

42° South Latitude: Removed from the stressful world… In the midst of Patagonian peace and the exceptional sanctuary of wildlife, alongside the largest existing population of the Southern Right Whale in the world.

Reasons for choosing



The Boat:

Advantages of watching the whales at Península Valdés (South Atlantic)

* During the months of July and August we are in the heart of the winter season but in this Atlantic region temperatures don’t fall as low as those found below parallel of latitude 46° South, or in Patagonian mountain range areas. Even snow is very rare here.

During these two months you will find:

Come and taste the vast Freedom of Atlantic Patagonia and climb aboard this Whale Watching Adventure. Tuning into nature makes for a truly exhilirating travel experience.

© 2006 Whales Argentina. Avistaje embarcado de ballenas – Avistaje de Ballenas. Fotos: Ricardo Cobas, Aldo Sánchez, Angel Vélez y Alexis Fioramonti